
Practice Nurses

Cathy Formon (f)

Practice Nurse Lead

Lani Barwick (f)

Practice Nurse

Jacqui Plank (f)

Family Planning Nurse

Rachel Pucill (f)

Practice Nurse

Julie Drury (f)

Practice Nurse

Our Practice Nurses are fully trained in a wide range of skills including immunisations, health promotion, contraception and management of long-term conditions e.g. advice on diet and lifestyle choices, coronary heart disease, hypertension, asthma, diabetes, smoking cessation and obesity.

Our Nursing team offer all routine nursing procedures including dressings, hearing tests, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, ECGs and Doppler studies. They also run a minor illness clinic which operates alongside the doctors’ morning surgeries, and specialist clinics for certain long term conditions such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease etc. They can be contacted via Reception.

Health Care Assistants

Natasha Duda (f)


Kerry Whiting (f)


Our two Health Care Assistants are able to carry out a range of medical procedures including blood tests, vaccinations and ECGs. They are also involved in diabetic and NHS health checks.