District Nurses
They provide nursing care for patients at home who are unable to get to the surgery. They work closely with the doctors.
Telephone: 01491 411343
Health Visitors
Health visitors are registered nurses/midwives who provide a professional public health service for all children 0-5 years and for vulnerable populations targeted according to need. Services include groups and Well Child Clinics.
- For any concerns or questions about the health of your child/children, please text their Parentline on 07312293081
- To book or change an appointment, please email [email protected]
The Henley team of midwives provide care for women throughout their pregnancy and in the weeks following on. If you are pregnant and haven’t been in touch with the midwifery service, please give them a ring on the number below.
Telephone: 01183228964 (option 1)
School children – School Health Nurses
Every secondary school and further education college in Oxfordshire has a dedicated school nurse. School nurses work with children, young people and families to enable children to be healthy and reach their full potential. School nurses are qualified nurses who have undertaken specialised training in the health of children and young people.